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- "Tumur Foundation" - Association for Supporting of Wheelchair People (more details)
- Adaptive Technology for Rehabilitation, Integration and Empowerment of the Visually Impaired (ATRIEV) (more details)
- Anoxic Brain Injury (more details)
- BENGO (more details)
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (more details)
- Centre for Disability Law & Policy (CDLP) (more details)
- Deutsche Bank Asia Foundation (more details)
- Development and Peace - Catholic Church of Canada (more details)
-, The online community (Disabilinet) (more details)
- Disability Action Council Cambodia (DAC) (more details)
- Disability Promotion & Advocacy Association (more details)
- Epic Arts (more details)
- Fred Hollows Foundation (more details)
- Impact Foundation (UK) (more details)
- Inter-American Institute on Disability and Inclusive Development (more details)
- Malaysian Spinal Injuries Association (more details)
- Misereor - German Catholic Church (more details)
- Network of South Asian Women with Disabilities (NSAWWD) (more details)
- Presbyterian Church in Canada (more details)
- Rotary (more details)