
Details of the Organization

NameThe Nippon Foundation
Organization TypeInternational Non-governmental Organization
Disability TypeCross-disability
AddressThe Nippon Foundation Akasaka 1-2-2, Minato-ku, Tokyo Phone:
Contact Person
Brief Introduction

The Nippon Foundation, working with a portion of the proceeds of Japanese motorboat gambling has, since its founding striven to provide humanitarian aid based on a philosophy of giving that transcends normal political, ideological, religious and national differences. In the future as well, the foundation will continue to meet society's needs in a timely and flexible manner. Through our support of pioneering efforts, we are working to realize a better society for our children.

In the pursuit of such efforts, we work with thousands of individuals around the world. Our work improves the lives of numberless people. To those of us working at The Nippon Foundation, human beings are thus of prime importance. This feeling extends to the protection of private information.

From April 1, in the interest of strengthening protections regarding personal data, the Japanese Government instituted a series of strict new privacy laws. The Nippon Foundation not only abides by these; it has always seen such information as something to be guarded closely, and has its own set of rules, which augment and compliment the nation's laws. The main points of our policy are outlined below. In order to fully implement this policy, all of our staff are continually kept fully up-to-date on the importance of privacy.

1. Respect for Personal Data : We will only use personal data for the express purpose agreed to by The Nippon Foundation and the individual(s) affected. We will never use such data without permission, and our use of data will never exceed the purpose agreed upon. Further, we will not distribute data to third parties, without the consent of the individual in question, or beyond the limitations agreed upon. To facilitate communication regarding such data, we work constantly to make ourselves as accessible as possible, and deal with requests for changes in a timely manner.

2. Personal Data Protection Responsibility ; The Nippon Foundation's various departments are directly responsible for the protection of what personal records they possess.

3. Safety of Personal Data : All personal data is protected from unlawful access and theft. Additionally, suitable measures have been taken to prevent the loss, destruction, tampering or leakage of such data. In addition, when contractors are requested to handle data, they are required to sign a liability contract and are subject to management and supervision by the foundation.

4. Observation of National Laws and Regulations Governing Personal Data : The Nippon Foundation abides by all laws governing the protection of personal data, including those specifically regarding independent administrative institutions.

5. Compliance Program : Regarding the planning, direction, operation and auditing of The Nippon Foundation's program for protecting personal data, the foundation is continually reviewing and updating its IT system and the handling of such data within the foundation, to reflect changing programs or the laws under which such programs are conducted

Last Updated16/6/2009

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