DPI/AP Reports 2008

Asia Pacific Accessible Tourism Committee meeting, Eden Foundation

Accessible Tourism aims at promoting barrier free and accessibility in build environments in the region as a way to enhance the implementation of the Biwako Millennium Framework for Action towards an Inclusive, Barrier-free and Rights โ€“based Society for Persons with Disabilities (BMF), Biwako Plus Five and the Plan of Action for Sustainable Tourism Development in Asia and the Pacific (Phase II 2006-2012) focusing on access to built environments, public transport and training & employment including self-employment. Besides, tourism is often considered as a valuable alternative for diversifying the economy in the areas dependent on only one maritime activity (e.g. fisheries). Quality tourism can contribute to the development of coastal areas by improving the competitiveness of businesses, meeting social needs and preserving the natural and cultural heritage. However, to be simultaneously successful in all these areas at the level of the tourist destination requires a global approach, called integrated quality management focusing on tourist satisfaction and based on the principle of sustainable development. Tourism clearly requires not only an attractive environment but also its accessibility.

Furthermore, barrier free tourism is also alternative choices for elderly persons and travelers with disabilities of which the number of them gradually increases. However, those travelers face significant barriers in traveling such as information planning, accessible accommodation, transportation or any kinds of discrimination. Recently, the Disability Travel on the Rise Despite Barrier to Access research found that numbers of American travelers with disabilities have been increasing 50 percent since year 2005. The numbers of European travelers with disabilities increase to 134-267.9 million. UN survey also found that by year 2050, the numbers of aging population will rise to 2,000 million and 54 percent of them live in Asia and the Pacific region.

The conference was organized from 31 October - 3 November 2008 in Taiwan.

Download: PowerPoint: Asia Pacific Accessible Tourism Committee meeting, Eden Foundation (1439 KB)
Author: Ms. Saowalak Thongkuay, RDO
Language: English
When: 7/11/2008

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