DPI/AP Reports 2012

IKAT- US: Southeast Asia - U.S. Partnership: Civil Societies innovating Together The Second Annual Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia 6 - 7 June 2012

Group Photo

The Second Annual Conference of the IKAT-U.S. Partnership: "Civil Society Innovating Together" was held in Jakarta at Riz Carton Hotel during on 6 - 7 June 2012. This conference invited the partnership of IKAT - US, joining together from 6 partnerships to meet with their partners sharing information and collaborate within and cross partnership.

The Second Annual Conference of the IKAT-U.S. Partnership: "Civil Society Innovating Together" was held in Jakarta at Riz Carton Hotel during on 6 - 7 June 2012. This conference invited the partnership of IKAT - US, joining together from 6 partnerships to meet with their partners sharing information and collaborate within and cross partnership.

The conference topic

Regional Outlook: Democratic Development in Southeast Asia

Critical Reflection - Harvesting Experience

Exploring the common ground between countries and partnerships as a platform for collaboration across partnerships

IKAT - US website: Knowledge-sharing Platform for Regional Partnership

"Regional Civil Society Engagement on Human Rights and Democracy in Southeast Asia: Making the Breakthrough for Constructive Engagement"

Partnering Conversations: Imagining Possibilities, Generating Opportunities for the Break-through Collaborative Action on RegionalPartnershipto Improve Practices and Systems on Regional Democracy and Human Rights

Please read the report from: http://www.dpiap.org/reports/doc/Report_2nd_Annual_Conference_IKAT-US_Jakarta_12_06_29.doc

Author: DPIAP
Language: English
When: 28/6/2012

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