
Cerebral Palsy Guidance is a comprehensive informational website on cerebral palsy. As someone who’s lived with cerebral palsy since infancy, I know how critical it is for parents of a child with CP to have access to reliable and comprehensive information on this complex condition.

For a child with cerebral palsy and no intellectual disability, getting into college involves many of the same steps as it does for anyone else aspiring to enter higher education. Yet, there are several tips for ensuring a successful transition. Equally as important, are programs designed for students with intellectual disabilities. To assist students with cerebral palsy on their college journey we developed a "College Guide for Students with Cerebral Palsy", located here: .

I represent Cerebral Palsy Guidance because I believe in their mission of providing quality cerebral palsy information, including the link above. You offer your students plenty of great information at, and it would be an honor if you could place our link on your website.

Of course, all of our content is thoroughly researched and cited, including information on finding a job at Please, anything you can do to help further education on this important topic would go a long way.


Cerebral Palsy Guidance

When: 25/1/2017

Last modified: Friday, 07 February 2014 06:02:58 Valid XHTML 1.1