
After the Road Accident': A novel with difference

A unique publication โ€˜After the Road Accidentโ€™ has been published this month by Akota Prokash. Itโ€™s an exceptional novel that focuses on the tragic incidences of a road accident and its inevitable consequences on a person's life on the context of our socio-economic and cultural reality. This novel was written by Akash Pradip, BHPI Lecturer of CRP.

After the Road Accident Book's cover

Writer of this novel tried to portray the life of a man and his sufferings who was a victim of an accident. The writer has his experiences of observing many problems as well as road accidents on the way. He witnessed how an accident brings tragic changes in a person's life. So, he felt an urge doing things to make some changes in this common scenario of our day to day reality. He mentions in his foreword "The thought of bringing change always hanged around my mind. It is this thought which finally insisted me to write a novel that can move my nation".

This publication is unique in a sense that where lots of tragic and painful consequences of road accidents aren't focused in the literary works of our renowned writers and poets, there โ€˜Akash Prodipโ€™ has broken that tradition. Through this novel the writer tried to bring those facts forward to make others understand the issue. He also pointed out the relevant stakeholders who can play vital roles in bringing this change. AWDP Bangladesh will be strongly stood for this change to be taken place. AWDP wishes for a wider circulation of this novel and felicitates the writer for his noble work.

Please read more from http://awdpbd.blogspot.com/ .

By: Akash Pradip
When: 7/2/2014

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