Women with Disabilities

AWID Resource-Net Friday File: March 12, 2010

The implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly and its contribution to shaping a gender perspective towards the full realization of the Millennium Development Goals

This article is based on a speech delivered by AWID's Executive Director, Lydia Alpรญzar Durรกn at a High Level Roundtable during the 54th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

By Lydia Alpรญzar Durรกn

Please read more from: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103180226218&s=11593&e=001T90kl6khofUO9TgZbV03zuHA5RvSi8WT1a04PxllVR2_UuoGkxh7CVk3H6vUetz8PASLDCF86ukNFBrys540VyYdJzs4RpDQN6BhwQ--tSF7sKWSzJMVag1zD5mgWOAjbmCiPJN-g8zLlCKGByD1P8ivIgU7UieT9d7vcLhmaQ6hrJCueUvWauyI0jl6Xtldmi4lLp3y05mi_kCLxiDeLe9sgshPW8N4qBedED56PMcI-XMbCYtfKlo-uCajo9yEeYinYoWSerBADeUMKfjyZyzFuGRfRTOLGv9TOArdxP0Cr0b8MjvbW88fSTQ63Jpp1GCOq96suNzps2TzAx6B9OURIK5t2HjaeZF7nXFFBm88BQLYTDm1kyJPEQ6LbmH6imn4hO9D2wE3ru9Nv9aQ3PUmZtCYI4PvbsE1MoguhidOu4tKifTbe-qFjyDkwpIRTQB0ZOyLhtJrfAkg_S6nE4uqmsUWz964Qab68FwPly8=

"There is clearly much to do" for the Obama Administration

In the lead-up to her first-year anniversary as Ambassador-at-large for Global Women's Issues at the United States' Department of State, Melanne Verveer spoke with AWID about the symbolic and practical implications of her office, how U.S. development assistance is focused on partnership rather than patronage, why rights cannot be constrained by culture and why the Obama Administration prizes small business development as a path to women's empowerment.

By Masum Momaya

Please read more from: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103180226218&s=11593&e=001T90kl6khofWdqLMbFHFf1k1gkEEcMlpoF1uv1Ez80_rgLnI-9aTvwan6iIH-zBwybNwql338u8tMAG_QKSn8_zlJBStaiums-TFbA1izQobTjpmjT0YnkVpWEVjESeRwP7wBoxglVhoV0UjPuaAz3ezG7Rddo7qrFX2HijFMwmLrF2yrZ9Ogp-uwbLjdmASsfxh9ss8ym0ciadfXegGoqg2giggefcvZJvPlM3z9mLnQWJofMlIw20473vi3ZEq1

Source: AWID

When: 7/2/2014

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