
New on the website of the European Coalition for Community Living

In the News

Former MEP Continues Campaign to End Institutionalisation of Children

Kathy Sinnott, a former MEP from Ireland, has issued an appeal in the Irish Examiner last month, asking individuals to join her campaign to end institutionalisation of children in Ireland.

Please read from: http://www.community-living.info/index.php?page=233&news=394&pages=&archive=

UK: NHS 'institutions' to close doors

Nearly 2,000 people with learning disabilities are to be moved into their own homes from the NHS institutions where they have lived for years.

Please read from: http://www.community-living.info/index.php?page=233&news=419&pages=&archive=

ECHR: Cases involving disabled people in institutional care brought to the European Court of Human Rights

INTERIGHTS - the International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights, an organisation for the promotion of human rights and freedoms based in London, has brought several cases to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg involving people with disabilities in institutional care. The three applications were filed against Lithuania and Romania, in cooperation with local partner organisations.

Please read from: http://www.community-living.info/index.php?page=233&news=420&pages=&archive=

ECCL calls for action to be taken to put an end to the segregation of disabled people in institutions across Europe

The European Coalition for Community Living (ECCL) today publishes its report: Focus Report on Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which sets out the key steps for implementing the right to live in the community. It provides detailed commentary on Article 19, including its huge potential to bring about change to the lives of people with disabilities in Europe and possible challenges in achieving such change. The Report suggests specific actions that national, regional and local governments, the European Community and the Council of Europe should take to give effect to this right. It aims to assist individuals and organisations involved in promoting, implementing and monitoring the CRPD, such as policy makers, organisations of people with disabilities and service providers.

Please read from: http://www.community-living.info/index.php?page=233&news=421&pages=&archive=

Human rights chief criticizes European governments for neglecting rights of people with intellectual disabilities

Thomas Hammarberg, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, published a "Viewpoint" yesterday in which he said that the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities across Europe "are still not taken seriously enough", and called on governments not merely to plan for action, but to take action.

Please read from: http://www.community-living.info/index.php?page=233&news=422&pages=&archive=

In the Events & Publications

ECCL Focus Report on Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The new ECCL report, launched on 14 September, seeks to provide a clear explanation of the scope and purpose of Article 19 (Living independently and being included in the community) and makes a series of recommendations designed to facilitate the effective implementation of this right.

Please read from: http://www.community-living.info/index.php?page=308&news=423&pages=&archive=

In the Resources

ECCL Briefing to the European Parliament (September 2009)

ECCL Briefing to the Council of Europe (September 2009)

Please read from: http://www.community-living.info/?page=284

Mail from: Frank Mulcahy

By: European Coalition for Community Living (ECCL)
When: 7/2/2014

Last modified: Friday, 07 February 2014 06:02:58 Valid XHTML 1.1