DPI/AP Reports 2011

5th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2011, 19 - 24 November 2011 Chiang Mai, Thailand


The 5th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress (APOTC 2011) was jointly organized by the Occupational Therapy Association of Thailand and Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University. The theme of the congress was โ€œOpening World: Optimizing Occupational Therapy Practiceโ€. It focused on how occupational therapy techniques and practices can be adapted to a wide variety of diverse cultural bases.

Please download report of the congress from: http://www.dpiap.org/reports/doc/Report_5thAP_OT_Congress_CM_11_12_08.doc

Author: Ms. Tina Schaarschmidt, Information support
Language: English
When: 7/12/2011

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