DPI/AP Reports 2012

The 15th DPIAP Regional Assembly: Action toward new Asia and the Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 24-25 October 2012.

Group Photo

The 15th DPIAP Regional Assembly was held at Incheon City, the Republic of Korea.


24 - 25 October, 2012


Premier Ballroom (Second Floor), Incheon Songdo Convention Centre

Objectives of the meeting:

  1. To strengthen networking and collaboration among DPIAP Member National Assemblies (MNAs);
  2. To discuss DPIAP short and long term plans for the implementation of the new Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities (2013-2022).
  3. To elect the new DPIAP Regional Councilors and Executives.

Tuesday 23 October, 2012 (Day 1)

DPIAP Regional Council Meeting

Wednesday 24 October, 2012 (Day 1)

Session 1: Opening Ceremony

Session 2: Keynote speech: Global trend of International Human rights and the CRPD

Session 3.1 Regional Council Reports from sub-regions and Regional Development Office

3.3.1 Presentation: The evaluation of the implementation of the Asia-Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities(2003-2012)


Thursday 25 October, 2012 (Day 2)

Session Session 4: Evaluation and report of Disability Discrimination Case Studies in Asia-Pacific Region by 16 speakers from AP region

1. Direct and indirect discrimination
2. Gender inequality including abuse/violence
3. Legislation and implementation gap
4. Employment
5. Disability-inclusive disaster risk management
6. Accessibility to built environment

Session 5: Towards New Decade: review the "Incheon Strategy to Make the Right Real for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific(INGOTS)"

Incheon Human Rights Declaration to Make the Right Real in the New Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities (2013-2022)


Language: English
When: 7/11/2012

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